Sunday, November 9, 2008

Philippine Airlines

Singapore Airlines is considered one of the best carriers in the world. Unfortunately, they cost twice as much as Philippine Airlines does. And, since I am paying for this trip, we flew Philippine Airlines.

Couple of interesting notes. The flight was a little of three hours. Now, here in Asia, that is considered a short flight. Being an American, that is a pretty long flight in our opinion. Anyway, I have to admit, it wasn't bad at all. The plane was clean, the food was fine (even though not the boys favorite) and it felt very safe. There was one big, big problem though. Brennan is now almost as tall as me. And since I was paying....we are flying in coach. Take a look at this.

There is no room. Actually, it was painful. Brennan is in a middle seat, I had the aisle. But even in the aisle seat, I couldn't move my legs to move them into the aisle. Once you fold yourself into the seat, you aren't going anywhere.

I called after we landed and begged for bulkhead or exit rows. They put us all in bulkhead on the return and it was fine. Which is the only row we can sit in if we fly them again.

1 comment:

wellamaria said...

Maybe because the plane was built with Asians in mind :)

Anyway, hope you had a nice time though in Manila. I miss my country now that I am not there...

Keep posting! :)